About Me

I’m Terence Davy, an experienced Sales and Customer Experience Executive, and a coach that is committed to helping you live the life of your dreams. I utilize a combination of professional experience and creative and spiritual exploration to partner with you to get to the next level. 

I grew up in Victorville, CA and have lived in Los Angeles for the last 15 years. I believe in giving your hobbies and interests the proper space in your life, as they enhance your expression of self, and offer alternative frameworks for growth and perspective. Because of that, I spend a significant amount of time practicing and competing in martial arts (Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai), studying and living Tantra, and creating music. I also enjoy reading philosophy, psychology, spiritual texts, and fiction. 

1. The act, characteristic, or habit of thinking and acting so as to prepare for, intervene in, or control expected events, especially negative or challenging ones; initiative

The Life of Proactivity

After graduating from UCLA with a B.S. in chemistry, I began work as a chemist, performing standardized testing for a variety of nutrition and pharmaceutical companies. While the work was initially interesting, I felt limited in how I might grow and express myself within the organization.  After a couple of years and promotions, I made the bold decision to leave and begin a personal training business - tapping into a long held passion for coaching people to achieve their goals and feel strong and secure in their bodies. 

During this time I consumed a ton of media about the SaaS space. The speed of development, revenue growth, and financial opportunities were fascinating to me, but at that time I didn’t believe that my degree and training had any place in software. While continuing to build and run my personal training business, I made myself available to entry level positions within the software industry, and eventually landed a role as a contractor performing simple data entry tasks. 

I continued to perform personal training for several years while learning to navigate the complex environment that is a fast-growing tech company. With many sleepless nights, and significant support from coaches and leaders, I worked myself into a role leading a $20M+ a year account management business.

The imposter syndrome and stress came on immediately. Even though I was succeeding from a metrics perspective, while teaching a variety of individuals from a diverse set of backgrounds to sell and to lead, something was off.

I tried everything that I could to change and control the circumstances around me to relieve myself of the pain and pressure that I felt, which, unsurprisingly, led to more stress and pain. 

It wasn’t until after reaching a breaking point and opening up to my loved ones about how I felt  that I finally understood the solution; I needed to remove my internal blocks and limiting beliefs in order to expand my perspective. I eventually  closed my personal training business so that I could focus on being the best leader that I could be for the dozens of people that were relying on me at the time. 

Over the following years, I partnered with other leaders, coaches, and mentors to expand my mindset and skill set. I paired this skill development with work with licensed therapists and my own personal spiritual practice to expand my capacity for holding multiple perspectives, beliefs, timelines, and truths simultaneously. 

Fast forward to now, I have led people to perform effective sales strategies for years at the executive level, built and rebuilt teams of >150 members, established operating and execution norms as a C-Suite executive, and worked with numerous business leaders to enhance the efficiency and efficacy of themselves and their work. 

Through this journey, I have appreciated the direct impact of partnering with dedicated coaches, and am ready to give back tenfold. I am here to share the hard earned knowledge and practices I’ve developed with folks that are dedicated to their growth journeys. 

Enter Proactivity - where we help you take control of building and expressing the life that you want to live. 

I help you empower yourself to bring your gifts into the world with integrity, purpose, and action.